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Virtual Roundtable on Anti-Corruption: A Call for Global Action"

The World Security Organization A enthusiastically welcomes a major initiative that is on the horizon. The “Virtual Round Table: Parliaments Use Technology to Fight Corruption” is a unique event that brings together parliamentarians, technology experts, and civil society actors from around the world to discuss innovative ways to fight corruption. corruption and increase transparency.

The initiative takes root in the context of the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations in June 2020, when Member States adopted a Declaration with 12 commitments, one of which is to strengthen digital cooperation and partnerships with parliaments. This virtual roundtable is a direct response to this call to action, showing how technology can be put to work in the fight against corruption.

This initiative is all the more important as it comes against the backdrop of the report entitled "Our Agenda", which calls for a "Future Summit" in September 2024. This demonstrates the continued commitment of the international community to resolving the major global problems, of which corruption is one of the most glaring.

The objectives of this roundtable are ambitious and necessary: ​​to examine existing technologies that can help parliaments fight corruption, while highlighting possible synergies to promote transparency and partnerships. This approach aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals is crucial to building fairer and corruption-free societies.

We would like to warmly congratulate the organizers of this roundtable, in particular the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), for their leadership in promoting good governance and transparency.

We also pay tribute to UN Secretary-General António Guterres for his commitment to strengthening international cooperation and mobilizing parliaments to fight corruption. His thought leadership is an example to all of us in the quest for a more equitable world.

The virtual roundtable “Parliaments Use Technology to Fight Corruption” is a crucial step towards a better future. It demonstrates the importance of innovation, international collaboration and concrete action to advance the fight against corruption.

We look forward to the results of this roundtable and are honored to participate in this vital global conversation. Together, we can build a more transparent and fairer world for all.

OMSAC is fully committed to supporting this initiative and to continuing to work with all actors involved in the fight against corruption.

Technology for Integrity: The Global Anti-Corruption Security Organization welcomes the Global Virtual Anti-Corruption Roundtable"

Since its inception, OMSAC has been resolutely committed to eradicating corruption in all its forms and to promoting transparency and good governance. As a major player in the fight against this global scourge, OMSAC constantly strives to support innovative initiatives aimed at promoting integrity.

Particularly invested in the use of technology to strengthen this fight, OMSAC applauds the initiative of the Global Virtual Roundtable on the Fight against Corruption. This unprecedented meeting brings together parliaments from around the world to explore the opportunities offered by the digital revolution in the fight against corruption.

Our organization, convinced that collaboration and dialogue are essential to achieve common goals, is proud to contribute to this major event. Our executives and experts bring their expertise and experience to this crucial roundtable, thus sharing our unwavering commitment to a world of integrity and fairness.

In this article, we highlight the importance of technology in the service of integrity, highlighting the achievements of the Global Virtual Roundtable and congratulating the organizers as well as the distinguished speakers. Additionally, we are announcing our own global initiative: an upcoming Congress that will bring together key anti-corruption players for candid dialogue and concrete action.

We also salute the United Nations and its Secretary-General, António Guterres, for their leadership in this crucial fight and their support for collaborative initiatives. Together, we are determined to create a future without corruption, where integrity and transparency prevail.

The participation of the World Anti-Corruption Security Organization in the Global Virtual Roundtable on Combating Corruption is supported by a team of multidisciplinary experts. Three key departments within our organization are committed to actively contributing to this crucial discussion:

1. The Legal Department, with its expertise in legislation and regulations, will bring a strong legal perspective to the roundtable. Our legal expert will examine the legal challenges and opportunities in the fight against corruption and share their knowledge to strengthen the global legislative arsenal.

2. The High Tech department will focus on using technology to enhance transparency and accountability. Our cutting-edge technology expert will discuss digital tools and innovations that can be deployed to detect, prevent and report corruption.

3. Finally, the general policy department will explore the policy implications and advocacy efforts needed to strengthen international cooperation in the fight against corruption. Our political representative will analyze opportunities for collaboration and partnership to create a united front against this global scourge.

This diversity of expertise reflects OMSAC's commitment to addressing the fight against corruption in all its facets. We are convinced that this multidisciplinary approach will contribute to rich discussions and the formulation of meaningful recommendations during this roundtable.

Production Press & Media Department of OMSAC

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