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Terms of use

Any use of this website automatically implies on the part of the user the acceptance of these provisions and conditions:

(a) The World Anti-Corruption Security Organization (“WHOAC”) maintains this website (“”) as a convenience to those (“Users”) who wish to connect to it. The information contained therein is presented for informational purposes only. OMSAC authorizes Users to visit the Site and to download or copy information and documents (collectively, hereinafter: the "Content") for personal and non-commercial purposes, without granting them the right to resell or to distribute the Content or to use it to constitute or create derivative works, and this authorization being subject to compliance with the provisions and conditions set out below as well as specific restrictions that may apply to any particular element of the Content of the site.

(b) The Site is administered by WHOAC. All Content that the Organization places there is subject to these terms and conditions.

(c) Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings, interpretations and conclusions that form part of the Site Content are those of the various experts of the Organization and consultants or advisers to its President who participated in the development of said Content, and they do not necessarily reflect the views of WHOAC or its Member Countries.



The Site Content is delivered "as is", without any kind of guarantee, either express or implied, in particular with regard to the merchantability of the information, its usefulness for such and such an end and the non-violation of rights. of intellectual property. In particular, the OMSAC makes no warranty and makes no representations as to the accuracy and completeness of the elements of the Content. It periodically makes additions, modifications, improvements and updates to the Content without announcing it. It can in no way be held responsible for any prejudice or damage, for an obligation or for an expense which it could be argued that they result from the use of the Site, including, without this enumeration being restrictive, with regard to any fault, error or omission or interruption of service or any delay that may have occurred. The User operates the Site at his own risk. OMSAC or its related entities can not under any circumstances, particularly in the event of negligence, be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, particular or secondary damage, even if the Organization has been notified that said damage was likely to occur.

The User declares to know that the OMSAC is not responsible for the conduct of any of the Users, and he agrees. Advice, opinions and statements from various sources of information may be found on the Site. OMSAC does not endorse them, nor any information from said sources, any User or any other person or entity, and it does not guarantee their accuracy or reliability. The User relies on it at his own risk. Neither the Organization, nor its affiliated entities, nor any of their experts or agents or their information or content providers accepts any responsibility vis-à-vis any User or any person in this regard. which concerns inaccuracies, errors, omissions, interruptions of service, deletions of content or defects or the modification or use of elements of the Content of the Site, or the fact that this one is up to date or complete, and their responsibility n is not committed, in the event of failure of computer or of equipment of communication or transmission of virus, whatever the cause, with regard to the possible consequential damages.

By using the Site, the User agrees to hold OMSAC and its related entities harmless against any lawsuit or claim for compensation, any prejudice or damage, any financial obligation or expense (including, calculated at a reasonable rate, attorney's fees) which could result for it from the use by it of the Site, including, but not exclusively, any claim invoking facts which, if they were proven, would constitute on the part of the 'User breaches these Terms of Use. The one and only solution available to a User dissatisfied with all or part of the Site Content or these Terms of Use is to stop visiting the Site.

The Site may contain links to websites maintained by third parties or allusions to such sites. The sites to which links are offered are not under the control of OMSAC, which is not responsible for the content of any of them or for any link offered by them. The Organization provides these links for convenience only, and the fact that a link is offered or a site is cited does not imply any endorsement on its part. If the Site includes bulletin boards, discussion spaces, possibilities of access to mailing lists or to other messaging or communication tools (collectively, “Forums”), the User consents to receive and send only messages and information which are appropriate and which relate to the Forum in question. By way of non-limiting examples, the User undertakes to refrain, when participating in a Forum, from engaging in the following activities:

(a) Defame, insult, harass, threaten or otherwise infringe on anyone's rights (for example in matters of privacy and dissemination of information);

(b) Post, display, distribute or disseminate material or information that is defamatory, offensive, obscene, improper or unlawful;

(c) Export or include as attachments files containing software or other material protected by intellectual property law (or by legislation relating to privacy and the dissemination of information), unless the User is the holder of the rights relating thereto or controls them or that he has received for this purpose all consents required by law;

(d) Export or attach files containing viruses, corrupted files or any other similar software or program which may interfere with the proper functioning of another person's computer;

(e) Delete in an exported file the mentions relating to the authors, the legal opinions or the mentions or signs relating to the right of intellectual property;

(f) falsify the origin or source of software or other material contained in an exported file;

(g) Advertise goods or services, or offer them for sale, or carry out or transmit surveys, contests or chain letters, or import a file made available by another user of the Forum, of which the User knows or reasonably should know that distribution by this means is illegal.

The User declares to understand that the exchanges carried out on all the Forums and in all the discussion groups are public and have no private character. In addition, it acknowledges that discussions, posted items, conferences, electronic messages and other items exchanged by other Users are not deemed to have been reviewed, selected or approved by OMSAC. The latter reserves the right to remove, for any reason and without notice, any element of the content introduced into the Forums by the Users, in particular in the case of electronic messages or messages posted on electronic bulletin boards.

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on the maps do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the World Anti-Corruption Security Organization.


Nomenclature of countries and regions

The names used in this website and the presentation of the Content of this website do not imply on the part of the General Secretariat of the World Anti-Corruption Security Organization any position regarding the legal status of any country, territory, city or country. zones or their authorities, nor as to the delimitation of their frontiers or limits. The term “country” used in this Content also includes territories or areas.  


Privacy notice

Certain information concerning the User, such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, the pages consulted on the Site, the software used, the time spent and other similar information, are stored on the servers of the World Anti-Security Organization. Corruption.  This information does not formally identify the User. They are used internally, solely for the purpose of analyzing website traffic. If the User provides data that makes it possible to identify him personally, such as his name, address or other information appearing on forms stored on this Site, this information will only be used for statistical purposes and will not be disclosed to everyone. However, the Organization declines all responsibility for the security of this information.  


Preservation of immunities

Nothing contained herein constitutes or can be regarded as a limitation of the privileges and immunities of the OMSC, nor as a waiver of these privileges and immunities, which the OMSC expressly reserves.


Terms and conditions

OMSAC reserves the exclusive right to modify, restrict or delete the Site or any part of its Content, at its sole discretion and in any form whatsoever. in this regard, it is not required to take into account the needs of any User.

OMSAC reserves the right to refuse, at its sole discretion and without notice, access to the Site or to any part of the Site to any User.

No waiver by OMSAC of any of the provisions of these Terms of Use shall be binding on it if it has not been made in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Organization.

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