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Cyber technologies will have a significant impact on future battlefields. Many possible scenarios present the challenges now imposed by cyber. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate this dimension by investing in innovation and by working with our Allies to strengthen our capacities.
The impact of innovation in cybertechnologies on future battlefields ?
The growing influence of digital technology on the world market finds its origins in the remarkable advances in computing, artificial intelligence, robotics, data analysis and the growth of networks. It is characterized by a spectacular acceleration of innovations and a change in social behavior.
It creates tremendous opportunities but also induces new threats as illustrated by the cyberattacks in Estonia in 2007, “Stuxnet” in 2010, influence actions through the use of social networks during the last American and French presidential campaigns, the robotization of the battlefield with the generalization of remotely operated systems such as drones and today, the spectrum of lethal autonomous weapons systems (SALA).
Certain vulnerabilities of cybertechnologies or the diversion of their uses can threaten the balance of world powers. The Western armed forces have so far been able to rely on their operational and technological superiority. However, the wide diffusion of technologies is eroding their influence and revealing non-state adversaries capable of upsetting the established order in the various fields of confrontation.
The joint study report between the IHEDN (Committee 1 of the 54th “Armament and Defense Economy” session) and the National Defense University of Washington analyzes, by 2040, the impact on future battlefields, innovation in cybertechnologies (cybersecurity, etc.

Japan invests in human augmentation
In Japan, the bionic man is not worth three billion,
named after the famous 70s series, but… only a billion dollars. It is still enough to improve the human body, hopes the Japanese government. Japan is faced with an immense challenge, that of the aging of its population, coupled with the weakness of the renewal of generations. Result: the inhabitants of the archipelago are aging and contributing less and less to the creation of wealth. In other words: there are fewer people in factories and offices.
Millions to live better,
To avoid ending up at the foot of the wall, the Japanese government has therefore decided to launch an initiative over the next ten years, to finance projects aimed at "increasing" the human body. 25 areas of expertise have been identified, which will benefit from an envelope of 100 billion yen, or approximately 921 million dollars.
Researchers are invited to submit their projects to exploit technologies in the context of improving bodily capacities. Even aging, a human would therefore be able to remain productive longer. Even if we can find it cynical, the Japanese authorities are showing realism and pragmatism!
This budget will also be used to finance research to counter industrial pollution, clean the oceans and improve construction technologies. Japan has dated several objectives: with regard to the improvement of the human body, the projects should be completed by 2050. The rest will be staggered between 2025 and 2060.
Robot / By Olivier