Who are we ?
OMSAC is an independent global organization, whose mission is to fight against all forms of corruption and crime. Today it represents several members and Associations around the world
Why civic engagement?
The involvement of civil society in the fight against corruption and crime is a civic duty because they directly or indirectly affect every citizen in general and young people in particular.
Dictatorship .. Tyranny .. Corruption
A dictator is only a fiction. His power is actually spread among many anonymous and irresponsible sub-dictators whose tyranny and corruption soon become unbearable.

The fight against corruption and crime at the international level
Corruption is a brake on economic and sustainable development. It also promotes the development of criminal and terrorist activities. The poorest populations are the first to be affected by its consequences. The first universal legal instrument intended to prevent and combat this phenomenon, which entered into force in 2005, was the United Nations Convention against Corruption, known as the Merida Convention.
This legal tool encourages States parties to this legal instrument to criminalize and penalize active bribery of national, international and foreign public officials. This convention also organizes the return of embezzled or laundered assets and the extradition of persons convicted of corruption.
The said Convention recognizes the role of civil society in the fight against corruption under its article 13, calling on governments to increase transparency, ensure effective public access to information and also promote public participation in decision-making processes. .
This same convention strengthens the capacity and commitment of civil society, particularly in developing countries, by providing training to NGOs on the Convention and its review mechanism. It also supports the engagement of civil society during intergovernmental meetings and provides the necessary legal tools so that it can work constructively with governments and the private sector in the implementation of the said Convention.
To do this, WHOAC is a global organization committed to fighting corruption and crime around the world. Its main objective is to provide intelligence and analysis, and to raise awareness through a combination of global pressure tactics.
It is the result of soon six (6) years of consultation and meetings bringing together several national and international organizations and associations with the same objective: the fight against corruption and crime in all its forms and in all areas of the private sector or state.
OMSAC contributes to the prevention of corruption and crime in all sectors of activity and mainly to support whistleblowers, sensitize and engage citizens in the fight against these scourges, enforce relevant international laws and legislation. in the fight against corruption, monitor and follow up on cases of proven corruption.
With the support and effort of these international organizations and associations dedicated to the fight against corruption and crime in the world, the members of OMSAC organized a general assembly on February 10, 2020 in Geneva which resulted in the election of the Algerian Mourad MAZAR, as president for a mandate of 5 years as envisaged by the statutes.
In accordance with the statutes of the organization, the elected president has appointed the members of the executive board who will be in charge of the management of the various departments of the OMSC. The elected president instructed the members of the executive board to get to work with the first objective of setting up the 2020 - 2025 roadmap, the structuring of the OMSAC and the preparation of the first meeting with the international media.
Finally, the President pledged to strengthen anti-corruption surveillance and implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).
Governance refers to all the measures and rules that ensure the proper functioning and control of our organization. it provides strategic direction, ensuring that objectives are achieved, that risks are properly managed and that resources are used in a responsible spirit. ”It ensures that the interests of adhering members, partners and victims of crime. it is a form of multi-stakeholder management. Decisions are no longer made by a single omnipotent decision-maker (or group of decision-makers), but rather the fruit of consultation after weighing the pros and the against depending on the different interests of stakeholders.
General assembly
The General Assembly (GA) is the supreme body of our organization, it allows the leaders to inform the adhering members and these members to vote on changes in the functioning of the organization. It brings together all the members, it has prerogatives and powers defined by the statutes of the organization and can examine the activity of the leaders, in particular with regard to financial management, and the election. Of the president.
Executive Office
The function of the executive committee is to implement the decisions taken by the general assembly. The powers of the executive board are determined by the statutes of the organization. The powers of the executive board are:
convene general meetings and determine the agenda,
decide on the creation and elimination of salaried jobs,
decide on the admission or exclusion of members,
authorize expenditure which would not have been foreseen in the estimated budget,
implement the policy defined by the general assembly,
prepare the estimated budget of the organization which will, or not, be submitted to the approval of the general assembly,
decide on the opening of bank accounts and delegation of signature,
decide on the projects that will be submitted to the general assembly,
to draw up the accounts of the organization which will be submitted for the approval of the annual general assembly and to propose the allocation of the results.
Organs of the executive board