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The Mohamed Bin Hammam Affair: Corruption in the World of Football in the Spotlight

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Une source judiciaire nous a révélé que Mohamed Bin Hammam, ancien président de la Confédération asiatique de football (AFC), est visé par un mandat d'arrêt international pour sa présumée implication dans des actes de corruption liés à l'attribution controversée de la Coupe du Monde de football au Qatar. Bin Hammam, un homme d'affaires qatari, avait été banni à vie des instances du football en raison d'accusations de corruption et de conflits d'intérêts.

The role of Bin Hammam in the awarding of the 2022 World Cup

The Bin Hammam affair centers on the businessman's alleged role in changing the position of Reynald Temarii, former president of the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC), on the eve of Qatar's designation as a country host of the World Cup. Reynald Temarii was suspended for a year by the International Football Federation for violating the code of ethics on November 17, 2010, which prevented him from serving on the FIFA executive committee on December 2, 2010, the day of the vote for attribution of the 2022 World Cup.

The OFC was expected to appoint a replacement who would potentially have voted in favor of Australia or the United States, Qatar's main rivals for hosting the tournament. However, Reynald Temarii appealed his suspension on the night of November 30 to December 1, having previously accepted the sanction and without having received the reasons from the ethics committee justifying his appeal.

By appealing, according to FIFA statutes, Reynald Temarii deprived the OFC of a representative during the crucial vote. On December 2, 2010, Qatar won the bid to host the 2022 World Cup, overtaking the United States, who were considered favorites.

Ongoing Investigations

The Bin Hammam affair includes several aspects, one of which concerns the financing of Reynald Temarii's defense costs, amounting to 305,000 euros, by Mohamed Bin Hammam. Additionally, the investigation is examining the financing of Temarii's trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to meet him between his suspension and the FIFA vote. During this stay, Bin Hammam allegedly convinced Reynald Temarii to appeal his sanction.

As part of this affair, Reynald Temarii, consultant Jean-Charles Brisard and lawyer Géraldine Lesieur were indicted, although they vigorously contest the accusations against them. At the same time, financial magistrates are investigating another aspect, aimed at determining whether Michel Platini's vote in favor of Qatar, when he was head of UEFA, was influenced by quid pro quo.


The Mohamed Bin Hammam affair illustrates the crucial importance of transparency, accountability and the fight against corruption in the world of international sport, particularly when it comes to the appointment of hosts for major events such as the Football World Cup. It also highlights the essential role of whistleblowers in revealing wrongdoing and underlines the need to protect those who dare to report these acts.

The Role of Whistleblowers

This case highlights the crucial role of whistleblowers in exposing corruption and undue influence in major international events. Information disclosed by whistleblowers enabled judicial authorities to carry out investigations into alleged corrupt practices linked to the awarding of the World Cup.

Protection of Whistleblowers

OMSAC emphasizes the importance of protecting whistleblowers, as they often take enormous risks to reveal wrongdoing. They must be protected by strong laws to encourage others to disclose information crucial to the public good.

The Fight Against Corruption in International Sport

The Bin Hammam affair shows that corruption can have a considerable impact on international sport. It also raises questions about the role of sports organizations in promoting integrity and transparency. International sports federations must take steps to ensure that their decision-making processes are free from corruption and undue influence.


OMSAC will continue to closely monitor the Bin Hammam case and advocate for whistleblower protections and transparency in international sport. This case is a reminder that no one should be above the law, even in the world of sport.

About OMSAC:

The Global Anti-Corruption Security Organization (OMSAC) is an organization dedicated to promoting integrity, accountability and the fight against corruption globally. We work closely with governments, international organizations and civil society to combat corruption in all its forms. Our mission is to promote a culture of transparency, ethics and accountability throughout the world.

OMSAC Press & Media Department


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