United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres is received by Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs Prakash Gupta upon his arrival in New Delhi for the G20 summit.
On the eve of the G20 summit to be held in New Delhi on September 9-10, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a passionate call for global action in two crucial areas: climate action and sustainable development. His message resonates as a cry of alarm in the face of the challenges that lie before us.
In a press conference held in New Delhi, Mr. Guterres stressed that the world was at a critical juncture, facing an alarming increase in inequality, poverty and hunger, and a glaring lack of global solidarity. He said the status quo was no longer a viable option and that the time had come for the international community to come together and act in concert for the common good.
What sets Mr. Guterres' speech apart is his call for the direct involvement of global civil society in government decisions. Although the Secretary-General did not explicitly mention this point, it is crucial to recall that global civil society, through non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and its ambassadors, has played a vital role in the evolution international laws within the UN.
NGOs represent the voice of civil society and have helped shape international policies, particularly in the area of anti-corruption. Their advocacy and expertise have led to significant changes in international laws and standards aimed at promoting transparency and accountability. It is therefore imperative that global civil society regains its place within decision-making circles, because it is the guardian of transparency and democracy.
The G20 Summit, themed “One Earth, One Family, One Future,” provides a crucial opportunity for the world’s nations to put these words into practice by recognizing and actively including global civil society in decision-making processes. decision. The call from the Global Security Organization Against Corruption is clear: governments should not decide on the future of civil society without consulting it. It is through this consultation that significant progress can be made in the fight against corruption and the promotion of justice in the world.
Ultimately, commitment to an active and engaged global civil society is essential to creating a more transparent, equitable and sustainable future for all. It is a call to action that transcends borders and is based on the fundamental principle that the voice of civil society is the voice of the people.
OMSAC Press & Media Department