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 Become a secret agent in Canada 


In regards to


In June 2017, David Vigneault became the ninth director of the Canadian Intelligence Service

security (CSRS). Mr. Vigneault resumed a leadership role in the Service after having held many positions within the Canadian apparatus.

security and intelligence.


While yesterday we told you about the Canadian government looking for wizards like in Harry Potter to fill administrative positions in witchcraft, we found you another job almost as exciting as a wizard. You don't need a wand, but your Invisibility Cloak may also come in handy because you could become a secret agent for Canada.  

Yes, yes, you could make a James Bond of yourself and work for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) as a secret agent. If you're the type who listens to the conversations of people at the next table at the restaurant and you've always dreamed of being a spy, this might be your chance. "CSIS employees are very dedicated and capable people who work every day to keep Canadians safe and protect their rights and freedoms." Read the full speech by the Director of the Canadian Intelligence and Security Service ... Click here

In fact, there are many positions offered by CSIS including a spinning officer. According to our experts, a spinning agent must "perform discreet spinning, seek out information related to spinning and analyze it, be in good physical condition and be able to adapt quickly to various contexts and situations and manage a high level of stress. . The salary of a Canadian Intelligence and Security Service shadowing agent is between $ 61,380 and $ 74,670.  

Here are the requirements to apply:

  • College diploma (two-year program).

  • A valid and permanent Canadian driver's license.

  • A minimum of three (3) years of driving experience.

  • A minimum of two (2) years of teamwork experience.

  • To be billing

Then, if your application is selected, you are going to have to pass a security interview, a lie detector test and there will be a criminal record investigation as well as financial and credit checks that are going to be done. It is also forbidden to consume any illegal drug from the moment the application is submitted. If you pass all of these tests, you will then receive training as a spinning agent.  

It is also important to emphasize that if you decide to apply, you must remain extremely discreet about your hiring process and not discuss it with anyone except members of your immediate family. Do not do a live Instagram while you send your CV!

OMSAC wishes you good luck, its doors will always remain open for future collaboration!

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